
class unifhy.DataComponent(timedomain, spacedomain, dataset, substituting_class, io_slice=None)

Bases: unifhy.component.Component

The DataComponent is a Component substituting simulations with data.

Its intended use is to replace a compartment of the hydrological cycle with measurements or with previous simulation runs.


timedomain: TimeDomain object

The temporal dimension of the Component.

spacedomain: SpaceDomain object

The spatial dimension of the Component.

dataset: DataSet object

The dataset containing the substitute data substituting the Component’s simulated time series. The data in dataset must be compatible in time with timedomain and compatible in space with spacedomain.

substituting_class: Component object

The subclass of Component that the DataComponent is substituting its simulated time series with the ones in dataset.

io_slice: int, optional

The length of the time slice to use for input/output operations. This corresponds to the number of component timesteps to read/write at once. If not set, its default value is 100 (arbitrary).